• 匠人精神
    创建时间 2023/11/24
    • 课时: 12
    • 浏览: 201
  • “跟我做”系列精品微课程 Let’s Master Chinese: Get a New Skill
    创建时间 2019/04/17



    This course introduces and displays different traditional folk customs, culture, and arts of China. Students can appreciate the delicate folk arts in Xi’an, get the knowledge about the origin of each art form, and learn the art skills by following the teaching videos. Through this course, students will gradually understand the profoundness of traditional Chinese culture. This course will inspire students in exploring the similarities and differences between their own culture and the Chinese culture, so as to enhance culture exchange and communication and improve students’ interests in Chinese language learning. 

    • 课时: 10
    • 浏览: 2110