
西安·世界城地组织亚太区中文培训项目 Xi’an·UCLG ASPAC Chinese Language Training Program

  • Start time: 2022-03-20
  • End time: 2022-06-30


  • Audio/Video Guidance
  • Basic Chinese
  • Speak Chinese in Real Scenario
  • Understanding China
  • Charm of Xi’an


为了满足亚太区汉语学习者对于语言学习的需求,提升汉字文化圈国家人民的汉语水平和对于汉唐文化的认知,根据西安市委外办的相关要求,依托西安开放大学西安汉唐文化网络学院的资源优势和师资力量,经研究决定,特举办世界城地组织亚太区中文培训项目。 本项目招生方向为世界城地组织亚太区会员城市政府机构公务员,及对于中华文化感兴趣、有志于提高汉语水平或有意了解、学习中国商务文化的社会人士。项目为学员提供全覆盖、铸精品、重实用、重评价、重品质的数字化汉语文化学习资源。 The program is established to meet the needs of Chinese language learners in the Asian-Pacific region and to improve their Chinese language proficiency and their understandings to Chinese culture, With the authorization of the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Xi’an Municipal Government, this program is operated based on the teaching resources and advantages of the Hantang Culture Online Academy of OUX. The potential learners of the program are aimed at the civil servants in government organizations of UCLG ASPAC member cities, and those who are interested in Chinese culture and willing to improve Chinese language proficiency or learn about the business culture in China. We will offer our learners comprehensive, high-quality, and practical digital resources for Chinese language learning.


  • tester
  • MUYU
  • Ashley
  • Keira Zhai
  • Liz
  • 袁晶