• 一带一路经济带系列讲座
    创建时间 2023/12/08
    • 课时: 5
    • 浏览: 119
  • 匠人精神
    创建时间 2023/11/24
    • 课时: 12
    • 浏览: 199
  • 每日汉语
    创建时间 2023/11/23
    • 课时: 50
    • 浏览: 195
  • 西安地铁
    创建时间 2023/11/22
    • 课时: 10
    • 浏览: 175
  • “丝绸之路”上的宗教文化
    创建时间 2023/03/30


    Lecturer: Dr. Li Gang, from the Silk Road Research Institute of Northwest University. This course, with the theme of religious culture on the Silk Road, describes the cultural characteristics, development, and dissemination of Buddhism and the "Three Yi Religions" (Nestorianism, Zoroastrianism, and Manichaeism) on the ancient Silk Road.

    • 课时: 1
    • 浏览: 426
  • “一带一路”背景下的唐代边塞诗歌
    创建时间 2023/03/30


    This course, taught by Dr. Zhang Yanjun from the Middle East Research Institute of Northwestern University, describes the important poetic genres formed during the 289 year history of the Tang Dynasty: the writing characteristics. The course instructs the genre styles, representative figures, and representative works of the Tang Dynasty's frontier poetry. It explains the important meaning of the Tang Dynasty's frontier poetry and its important impact on later Chinese poetry.

    • 课时: 1
    • 浏览: 400
  • “一带一路”-背景下的唐长安城兴衰
    创建时间 2023/03/30

    本课程由西北大学中东研究所张燕军博士讲授,主讲人详细地讲述了长安城的历史地位、城市规划、宫殿建筑、社会生活特点及其衰落的原因,为学习者描绘了唐朝都城长安的兴衰画卷。This course is taught by Dr. Zhang Yanjun from the Middle East Research Institute of Northwest University.  Dr. Zhang Yanjun detailed the historical status, urban planning, palace architecture, social life characteristics, and the reasons for its decline of Chang'an City, depicting the rise and fall of Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, for learners.

    • 课时: 1
    • 浏览: 350
  • “一带一路”背景下的关中面食文化
    创建时间 2023/03/30


    This course, taught by Dr. Zhang Yanjun from the Middle East Research Institute of Northwestern University, provides an in-depth and detailed explanation of the food culture in the Guanzhong region, especially the Guanzhong pasta culture. The food culture in Guanzhong area is an important component of Guanzhong culture. This course provides learners with a window and path to understand the food culture, pasta culture, and regional culture in Guanzhong area. The theme of living is also easy to stimulate students' interest in learning.

    • 课时: 1
    • 浏览: 349
  • “丝绸之路”的名称和古今寓意
    创建时间 2023/03/30


    This course is taught by Dr. Li Gang from the Silk Road Research Institute of Northwestern University. Through the explanation of the origin of the name "Silk Road", learners will gain an understanding of the early Western's understanding of the trade routes of the East, silk trade, and ancient China, and understand the historical description of China in the early West. At the same time, it explains the significance of the "the Belt and Road" initiative in the new era by telling about the literature and cultural relics of the ancient Chinese Silk Road.

    • 课时: 2
    • 浏览: 367
  • 中国古代都城文化对日本的影响
    创建时间 2023/03/30


    This course is mainly taught by Professor Gao Bingbing, Director of the Japanese Culture Research Center of Northwestern University. She selected representatives of ancient Chinese capitals such as Chang'an and Luoyang, as well as representatives of ancient Japanese capitals such as Kyoto and Nara. By comparing the historical, geographical, and cultural similarities between ancient Chinese and Japanese capitals, it demonstrates the profound impact of ancient Chinese capital culture on Japan.


    • 课时: 1
    • 浏览: 388
  • 长安的日本遣唐使
    创建时间 2023/03/30

    本课程由西北大学日本文化研究中心主任高兵兵主讲,详细介绍了唐朝重要的到过长安的日本遣唐使和学问僧,以及在遣唐使背景下唐朝时期与日本的文化交流。This course, taught by Professor Gao Bingbing, director of the Japan Culture Research Center of Northwestern University, provides a detailed introduction to the important Japanese envoys and learned monks who visited Chang'an during the Tang Dynasty, as well as the cultural exchanges with Japan during the Tang Dynasty under the background of the envoys.

    • 课时: 1
    • 浏览: 383
  • 唐代服饰与礼仪 Clothing and Etiquette in the Tang Dynasty
    创建时间 2023/03/29


    From the Sui Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, ancient Chinese clothing developed into its heyday. The combination of political stability, economic development, progress in production and textile technology, and frequent foreign exchanges has led to an unprecedented prosperity in the Tang Dynasty's clothing. The style, color, and pattern of clothing have taken on an unprecedented new look. And along with the development of clothing, the etiquette of the Tang Dynasty also has its unique characteristics. This course is mainly taught by Professor Zhang Yuan from the School of Fashion and Art Design of Xi'an Engineering University. It starts from five aspects: women's makeup in the Tang Dynasty, etiquette in the Tang Dynasty, textile and dyeing materials in the Tang Dynasty, women's clothing in the Tang Dynasty, and official and men's clothing in the Tang Dynasty. It provides learners with the basic knowledge of clothing and makeup in the Tang Dynasty, and explains the etiquette and humanistic colors behind them, helping learners understand the clothing and etiquette culture under the unprecedented prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

    • 课时: 5
    • 浏览: 373
  • 云将微课之图案基础
    创建时间 2023/03/23

    云将微课之图案基础(主讲人:教学处文法教学部 秦思)

    • 课时: 10
    • 浏览: 142
  • 云将微课之中外影视鉴赏
    创建时间 2023/03/22


    • 课时: 10
    • 浏览: 158
  • 云将微课之中国古代文学典故
    创建时间 2023/03/21

    云将微课之中国古代文学典故(主讲人:汉唐文化网络学院负责人 吕洁博士)

    • 课时: 10
    • 浏览: 683
  • “魅力西安”系列精品微课程 Charm of Xi’an
    创建时间 2022/10/24



    Charm of Xi'an: Students can not only appreciate the profound historical and cultural heritage through learning this part of micro courses, but also experience the city charm from the folk food culture of Xi'an. At the same time, students are able to witness the rapid development and full sense of modernity of Xi'an as a leading city in the Northwest of China.



    • 课时: 20
    • 浏览: 216
  • 云阶语法
    创建时间 2021/12/09


    This course is mainly a basic grammar course for Chinese beginners. It vividly explains 10 basic grammar knowledge points in the form of animation, so that learners can experience the fun of Chinese grammar during the learning, and master the correct usage of grammar through practice and error analysis.

    • 课时: 10
    • 浏览: 1938
  • 乐活西安(美食篇)
    创建时间 2021/12/07
    • 课时: 27
    • 浏览: 928
  • 汉字三十讲 Learning Chinese Characters
    创建时间 2021/08/31


    Learning Chinese Characters include 30 episodes, 10 minutes for each episode. It specifically explains the basic strokes and radicals that can be formed of Chinese characters. Learners will have a preliminary understanding of Chinese characters and could write simple Chinese characters according to the video demonstration. It also lay a foundation for future Chinese learning.

    • 课时: 30
    • 浏览: 3096
  • 实景汉语 Speak Chinese in Real Scenario
    创建时间 2021/08/30

    实景汉语:本课程针对零起点和已学会拼音并稍有汉语基础的成人汉语学习者,通过描述实景照片的方式教授300多个汉语交际常用词汇及地道中国表达方式。本课程选取新HSK1-3级话题大纲中最实用最接近当下中国日常生活的话题,结合真实语料,训练学习者 看照片说汉语的能力。问答环节锻炼学生自问自答及开口描述的能力,帮助学生更快更好地学习到原汁原味的中文。每课10分钟左右,以英语为媒介语。每集分为生词学习、生词复习以及问答环节三个部分。

    Speak Chinese in Real Scenario: This course is aimed at adult Chinese learners who are beginners or have learned Pinyin and have a little Chinese language foundation. By watching video with real photos in daily life, learners will learn more than 300 common words and authentic Chinese expressions in Chinese communication. Based on outline of HSK level 1 to HSK level 3, this course selects most popular scenarios and language points, combined with real corpus, to train learners' ability to "look at photos and speak Chinese" . The question and answer session will exercises learners’ ability of self-question and self-answer and description, and help learners learn authentic Chinese faster and better. Each class lasts about 10 minutes, with English as the medium. Each episode is divided into three parts: new words learning, new words review and question and answer.


    Training Hours31 units, 10 mins per unit, 310 mins total.

    • 课时: 31
    • 浏览: 1288